Shang-Chi (Origin)
5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes, Avengers, Team Iron Man
5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes, Avengers, Team Iron Man
"Raised in isolation to be the world's greatest master of martial arts, Shang-Chi broke free of his father's insidious influence rather than let his skills be used for evil. In the outside world, Shang-Chi has little wealth and few allies, but with his discipline and training he will earn respect worthy of a hero."
(Abilities listed at level 255, followed by 450)
15645 Health / 62885 Health
Disciplined breathing keeps energy flowing through Shang-Chi's body in times of intense exertion. Destroys 3 chosen basic or Team-Up tiles. Shang-Chi restores 576 health for each Combo Point he has. (Destroyed tiles deal damage but do not gain AP). (Max level restores 2317 health)
- Level 2: Restores 699 health per Combo Point. (Max level restores 2814 health)
- Level 3: Restores 823 health per Combo Point. (Max level restores 3310 health)
- Level 4: Destroys 4 tiles.
- Level 5: Destroys 5 tiles. Restores 1070 health per Combo Point. (Max level restores 4303 health)
Deadly Hands - 7
When properly trained, the bare hand is as powerful as any weapon. Converts a chosen basic or Team-Up tile into a Critical tile. For every 5 Combo Points he has, Shang-Chi converts one of the basic tiles surrounding the chosen tile to a Charged tile.

When properly trained, the bare hand is as powerful as any weapon. Converts a chosen basic or Team-Up tile into a Critical tile. For every 5 Combo Points he has, Shang-Chi converts one of the basic tiles surrounding the chosen tile to a Charged tile.
- Level 2: Creates a Charged tile for every 4 Combo Points.
- Level 3: Creates a Charged tile for every 3 Combo Points.
- Level 4: Creates a Charged tile for every 2 Combo Points.
- Level 5: Creates a Charged tile for each Combo Point.
(PASSIVE) Shang-Chi maintains a relentless flow of attacks. Whenever Shang-Chi's team makes a Red or Purple match, he gains a Combo Point (Up to 10). Each Combo Point increases Shang-Chi's match damage by 74. If Shang-Chi ends a turn without his team having made a Red or Purple match he loses all Combo Points. (Max level 298 damage)
- Level 2: Increases match damage by 81. (Max level 328 damage)
- Level 3: Increases match damage by 89. (Max level 358 damage)
- Level 4: Increases match damage by 104. (Max level 417 damage)
- Level 5: Increases match damage by 133. (Max level 536 damage)
Release Schedule
Store Offerings
Masterful Shang-Chi Cover Store - Aug 26-Sept 5
Chance to get Shang-Chi (Origin). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
Zheng Shang-Chi Limited Vault - Sept 2-7
40 Items
1x Action Heroes Legendary Store Token
1x 4-Star Mantis (Guardians of the Galaxy) cover
3x Random 3-Star covers
6x Heroic tokens
4x 2500 Iso
6x 1000 Iso
5x 500 Iso
14x Two stars
Action Heroes Legendary Store - Sept 2-7
15% chance to get Shang-Chi (Origin), Captain America (Infinity War), Yelena Belova (Black Widow)
Additional Tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points
Release Debut:
Venom Bomb - Aug 26-31
Shang-Chi (Origin) in placement rewards
Introducing… Shang-Chi - Aug 26-Sept 2
Featured Event:
Strange Sights - Aug 30-Sept 3
Shang-Chi (Origin) as a progression reward
Versus Tournaments:
Smash Hit (Hulk (Indestructible)) - Aug 26-30
Shang-Chi (Origin) shards as a placement reward
Martial Awe - Aug 29-Sept 1
Rewards tokens to the Masterful Shang-Chi cover store