3-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes, Spider-Verse, Multiversal, Street Level, Enhanced
"The Spider-Woman has grown up a lot over the past two years. Gwen's completely opened up to having friends and keeps busy between band practice and protecting her city. The villains she faces aren't nearly as scary as the reality that she's been lying to her father, Captain Stacy, about her Spider-Identity for years. Their relationship is painfully strained as he devotes much of his work to capturing Spider-Woman while she does everything she can to protect her identity from him. As if being a 17-year-old girl isn't hard enough..."
Abilities listed at level 40/166/266
Health: 2273/8670/28659

Friendly Multiversal Spiderfriends - 7 Purple AP
When the going gets tough, the tough call in friends for some websistance. Gwen uses her portal watch to briefly draw in help from a multiversal Spider-Friend. They appear, creating 1 random Web tile(s) for each tile color that does not contain a special tile, Web tiles excepted, rounded down.
- Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
- Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
- Level 4: Creates 1.5 Web tiles.
- Level 5: Creates 2 Web tiles.
Graceful Power - 8 Yellow AP
Gwen's not quite as strong as Peter, but she's got a lot more grace and style to her attacks. Almost balletic, not that people on the receiving end are usually appreciative. Deals 446 damage, ignoring Protect tiles and stunning the opponent for 1 turn for every 15 Web tiles on the board.
166: 1391 damage / 266: 1712 damage
- Level 2: Deals 535 damage. Stun for 10 Web tiles.
- 166: 1669 damage / 266: 2054 damage
- Level 3: Deals 624 damage. Stun for 6 Web tiles.
- 166: 1947 damage / 266: 2397 damage
- Level 4: Deals 803 damage.
- 166: 2504 damage / 266: 3082 damage
- Level 5: Deals 1271 damage.
- 166: 3964 damage / 266: 4879 damage
Drum Solo - 8 Red AP
One, two. One, two GO! Whether pounding out time or skulls, Gwen lets loose beats that would put a prog rock drummer to shame. Deals 144 damage plus another hit for every 2 Web tiles on the board (max 8 hits).
(PASSIVE) For each other Spider-Verse member on the team, Gwen gains 42% match damage.
166: 408 damage / 266: 504 damage
- Level 2: Deals 174 damage.
- 166: 493 damage / 266: 609 damage
- Level 3: Deals 204 damage.
- 166: 578 damage / 266: 714 damage
- Level 4: Deals 270 damage.
- 166: 765 damage / 266: 945 damage
- Level 5: Deals 396 damage.
- 166: 1122 damage / 266: 1386 damage
5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes, Spider-Verse, Multiverse, Symbiotes, Street Level, Enhanced
"After her father was viciously beaten by Rhino, Gwen Stacy needed a power up to go against the Kingpin, the crime boss who ordered the attack. Finding that power in the Venom symbiote, Gwen found herself faster, stronger, and more than capable of taking down Kingpin's goons. Unfortunately for her, the bond isn't perfect, as the symbiote amplifies her appetite for destruction..."
Abilities listed at level 255/450/550
Health: 18073/72645/157008

Portal Partnership - 9 Purple AP
When the going gets tough, the tough call in the Order of the Web for some websistance. Gwen uses the Ticket to the Multiverse to briefly draw in help from a multiversal Spider-Friend. They appear, creating 1 random Web tile(s) for each tile color that does not contain a special tile, Web tiles excepted, rounded down.
(PASSIVE) If no Web tiles exist when Gwen makes a match in a color, create a random Web tile in that color.
- Level 2: Costs 1 AP less.
- Level 3: Costs 1 AP less.
- Level 4: Creates 1.5 Web tiles.
- Level 5: Creates 2 Web tiles.
March to the Same Beat - 8 Black AP
Spider-Gwen uses the full strength of symbiote combined might to deliver a jumping haymaker right through any defense the opponent has. Deals 2860 damage, ignoring Protect tiles and stunning the opponent for 1 turn for every 15 Web tiles on the board.
(PASSIVE) If Gwen's team has 10 or more total AP, Gwen's match damage is reduced to zero while she fights to maintain control, but ability damage is increased by 25%.
450: 11570 damage / 550: 25025 damage
- Level 2: Deals 3212 damage. Stun for 10 Web tiles. Ability damage increased by 30% if over 11 AP.
- 450: 12994 damage / 550: 28105 damage
- Level 3: Deals 3520 damage. Ability damage increased by 50% if over 12 AP.
- 450: 14240 damage / 550: 30800 damage
- Level 4: Deals 3872 damage. Stun for 8 Web tiles. Ability damage increased by 75% if over 13 AP.
- 450: 15664 damage / 550: 33880 damage
- Level 5: Deals 4180 damage. Ability damage increased by 100% if over 15 AP.
- 450: 16910 damage / 550: 36575 damage
Drum Duo - 10 Red AP
One, two. One, two... three, four? Whether pounding out time or skulls, Gwen lets loose beats that would put a prog rock drummer to shame. Deals 1672 damage plus another hit for every 3 Web tiles on the board (max 8 hits).
(PASSIVE) Enemy Symbiotes match and ability damage are reduced by 17%.
450: 6764 damage / 550: 14630 damage
- Level 2: Reduce Symbiote damage by 20%.
- 450: 6764 damage / 550: 14630 damage
- Level 3: Deals 1848 damage. Reduce Symbiote damage by 21%.
- 450: 7476 damage / 550: 16170 damage
- Level 4: Deals 2024 damage. Extra hit for every 2 Web tiles. Reduce Symbiote damage by 25%.
- 450: 8188 damage / 550: 17710 damage
- Level 5: Deals 2332 damage. Reduce Symbiote damage by 35%.
- 450: 9434 damage / 550: 20405 damage
Release Events
Strange Sights - 6/1 - 6/4
Spider-Gwen (Gwenom) Shards and Event Token in Placement Rewards
Spider-Gwen (Gwenom) Event Token in Progression Rewards and Alliance Rewards
Venom Bomb - 6/4 - 6/8
Spider-Gwen (Gwenom) Legendary Token in Placement Rewards, Shards and Event Token in Progression Rewards, Legendary Token and Event Token in Alliance Rewards
Dimensional Duel - Spider-Gwen (Spider-Verse) - 6/1 - 6/5
Spider-Gwen (Gwenom) Shards in Placement Rewards, Event Token in Progression Rewards, Event Token in Alliance Rewards
Venomous Vengeance - Spider-Gwen (Gwenom) - 6/4 - 6/7
High Evolutionary (Awesome Mix Vol 3) Event Token in Progression Rewards, Event Token in Alliance Rewards
Gwenomous Spider Store - 6/1 - 6/5
Chance to get Spider-Gwen (Gwenom). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
Hooded Hero Vault - 6/8 - 6/11
Chance to get Spider-Gwen (Gwenom). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
40 Items:
○ 1x Fanged Fighters Legendary Store Token
○ 1x 4-Star Miles Morales (Spider-Man) cover
○ 3x Random 3-Star covers
○ 6x Heroic tokens
○ 4x 2500 Iso
○ 6x 1000 Iso
○ 5x 500 Iso
○ 14x Two stars
Fanged Fighters Legendary Store - 6/8 - 6/11
15% chance to get Spider-Gwen (Gwenom), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), and Electro (Francine Frye)
Additional Tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points