Kang (Classic)
3-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Villains, Technologists, Time Displaced, Multiversal, Cosmic, Geniuses
"Hailing from the future, Nathaniel Richards has worn many mantles; Iron Lad, Rama-Tut, the Scarlet Centurion. Sometimes beneficent, sometimes cruel, the being most commonly known as Kang the Conqueror strives to conqueror not only all of space, but all of time as well."
Abilities listed at level 40/166
Health: 2674/10200
Leveraged Potential - 6 Black AP
Kang can pull tools from across space and time - but time has a way of catching up to you! Kang deals 369 damage to the target. Then, if one does not exist, creates a 2-turn Fortified Black Countdown tile that deals 56 damage to Kang and sends him Away for 2 turns when it expires or is destroyed; otherwise, adds 1 turn(s) to the tile.
(PASSIVE) If Kang is Away and has no non-downed allies, Kang loses the battle. (Max 1152/174 damage)
- Level 2: Deals 443 damage to the target. Deals 67 damage to Kang. (Max 1382/209 damage)
- Level 3: Deals 531 damage to the target. 3-turn CD tile. Deals 78 damage to Kang. (Max 1659/244 damage)
- Level 4: Deals 685 damage to the target. Deals 101 damage to Kang. (Max 2143/313 damage)
- Level 5: Deals 989 damage to the target. Deals 146 damage to Kang. (Max 3087/452 damage)
Temporal Shift - 9 Blue AP
Kang doesn’t need to defeat you here, or even now - sometimes all it takes for victory is for you to be… somewhen else. Kang shifts the target to another time or place, creating a 2-turn Blue Countdown tile; while this tile exists, the target is Away. When the target returns, they take 2% permanent damage for each turn they were away.
(PASSIVE) At the start of his turn, Kang’s team regains any AP lost from “Destroy” or “Steal” effects. If all of Kang’s opponents are Downed or Away, he wins the battle.
- Level 2: Target takes 3% permanent damage.
- Level 3: Creates a 3-turn Blue Countdown tile.
- Level 4: Target takes 4% permanent damage.
- Level 5: Creates a 4-turn Blue Countdown tile. Target takes 5% permanent damage.
Cosmic Tactician - 6 Purple AP
You’re just a piece on the board, and Kang knows all the best moves. He adds 1 turn to the duration of all Countdown tiles, then deals 32 damage for each turn remaining among all Countdown tiles and 6 damage for each enemy Strike, Attack, or Protect tile.
(PASSIVE) Your plans might just be his plans. Whenever an opponent creates a Countdown tile, add 1 turn to its duration; whenever a Countdown tile expires, Kang gains 1 Blue AP.
- Level 2: Deals 38 damage per CD turn, 7 for each SAP tile.
- Level 3: Deals 45 damage per CD turn, 8 for each SAP tile.
- Level 4: Deals 58 damage per CD turn, 11 for each SAP tile. Kang gains 2 Blue AP.
- Level 5: Deals 83 damage per CD turn, 16 for each SAP tile.
5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Villains, Technologists, Time Displaced, Multiversal, Cosmic, Geniuses
"Kang, a fearsome warlord with a mysterious past, has conquered the Quantum Realm and rules over all citizens with a strict and brutal totalitarian regime."
Abilities listed at level 255/450
Health: 17493/70312

Conquer - 6 Black AP
You had a deal? The Conqueror stops at nothing, in this universe or any other. Kang deals 3588 damage to the target. Then, if one does not exist, creates a 2-turn Black Countdown tile that deals 886 damage per turn it was on the board to the front-most ally when it expires or is destroyed; otherwise, adds 1 turn(s) to the tile. (Max 14422/3561 damage)
- Level 2: Deals 3947 damage to the target. Deals 975 damage if destroyed. (Max 15869/3917 damage)
- Level 3: Deals 4521 damage to the target. 3-turn CD tile. Deals 1063 damage if destroyed. (Max 18172/4273 damage)
- Level 4: Deals 5274 damage to the target. Deals 1240 damage to Kang. (Max 21200/4985 damage)
- Level 5: Deals 6781 damage to the target. Deals 1595 damage to Kang. (Max 27258/6410 damage)
Realm Shift - 9 Blue AP
Kang doesn’t need to defeat you now, or even here - sometimes all it takes for victory is for you to be… somewhere else. Kang shifts the target to another realm, creating a 2-turn Fortified Blue Countdown tile; while this tile exists, the target is Away. When the target returns, they take 532 damage for each turn they were Away. (Max 2137 damage)
(PASSIVE) At the start of his turn, Kang’s team regains any AP lost from “Destroy” or “Steal” effects. If all of Kang’s opponents are Downed or Away, he wins the battle.
- Level 2: Target takes 575 damage. (Max 2308 damage)
- Level 3: Creates a 3-turn Blue Countdown tile.
- Level 4: Target takes 622 damage. (Max 2500 damage)
- Level 5: Creates a 4-turn Blue Countdown tile.
Cosmic Tactician - 6 Purple AP
Kang is a cunning tactician; every step forward is a step back for you. He adds 1 turn to the duration of all Countdown tiles, then deals 239 damage for each turn remaining among all Countdown tiles and 239 damage for each enemy Strike, Attack, or Protect tile.
(PASSIVE) Your plans might just be his plans. Whenever an opponent creates a Countdown tile, add 1 turn to its duration; whenever a Countdown tile is destroyed, Kang gains 1 Blue AP. (Max 961/961 damage)
- Level 2: Deals 263/263 damage (Max 1057/1057 damage)
- Level 3: Deals 287/287 damage (Max 1153/1153 damage)
- Level 4: Deals 335/335 damage (Max 1345/1345 damage)
- Level 5: Deals 430/430 damage (Max 1730/1730 damage)
Feeder Updates
Release Schedule
The Hunt - 2/9 - 2/12
Kang (The Conqueror) Shards and Event Token in Placement Rewards
Kang (The Conqueror) Event Token in Progression Rewards and Alliance Rewards
Honor Among Thieves - 2/12 - 2/16
Kang (The Conqueror) Legendary Token in Placement Rewards, Shards and Event Token in Progression Rewards, Legendary Token and Event Token in Alliance Rewards
Kang Foo! - 2/9 - 2/13
Kang (The Conqueror) Shards in Placement Rewards, Event Token in Progression Rewards, Event Token in Alliance Rewards
Despot our Differences - 2/12 - 2/15
Kang (The Conqueror) Event Token in Progression Rewards, Event Token in Alliance Rewards
One of a Kang Store - 2/9 - 2/12
Chance to get Kang (The Conqueror). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
For All Time Vault - 2/16 - 2/19
Chance to get Kang (The Conqueror). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
40 Items:
○ 1x What is Past is Passé Legendary Store Token
○ 1x 4-Star Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) cover
○ 3x Random 3-Star covers
○ 6x Heroic tokens
○ 4x 2500 Iso
○ 6x 1000 Iso
○ 5x 500 Iso
○ 14x Two stars
What is Past is Passé Legendary Store - 2/16 - 2/19
15% chance to get Kang (The Conqueror), Wasp (Hope Van Dyne), and Captain America (First Avenger)
Additional Tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points