Affiliations: Heroes, Enhanced, Gamma Mutates
4668 Health / 17288 Health
- Level 2: Deals 851 damage, 174 per Protect tile. (Max level 1657/339 damage)
- Level 3: Up to 3 Protect tiles.
- Level 4: Deals 1298 damage, 232 per Protect tile. (Max level 2528/452 damage)
- Level 5: Deals 1823 damage, up to 4 Protect tiles, 326 per Protect tile. (Max level 3551/635 damage)

She-Hulk creates a 3-turn Blue Heroic Defense Countdown tile. While this tile is on the board, if an ally would take more than 130 damage, She-Hulk creates a 46 strength Protect tile before damage is applied. When the Countdown tile expires, She-Hulk gains 2 Green and Red AP. (Max level 253 minimum damage, strength 90 tile)
(PASSIVE) She-Hulk comes prepared to every fight with a Blue Heroic Defense Countdown tile.
- Level 2: Creates a strength 64 Protect tile. (Max level strength 126 tile)
- Level 3: Creates a strength 83 Protect tile. (Max level strength 162 tile)
- Level 4: Creates a strength 92 Protect tile. Gains 3 Red and Green AP. (Max level strength 180 tile)
- Level 5: Creates a strength 147 Protect tile. (Max level strength 288 tile)
- Level 2: Deals 655 damage to the enemy and 228 damage to the enemy team, increased by 10%. (Max level 1276/444 damage)
- Level 3: Deals 785 damage to the enemy and 315 damage to the enemy team, increased by 11%. (Max level 1529/613 damage)
- Level 4: Deals 1070 damage to the enemy and 482 damage to the enemy team, increased by 12%. (Max level 2084/937 damage)
- Level 5: Deals 1590 damage to the enemy and 836 damage to the enemy team, increased by 14%. (Max level 3097/1626 damage)
Release Events
Fight for Wakanda - 8/18 - 8/22
She-Hulk (Origin) in Placement Rewards
Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. - 8/21 - 8/26
She-Hulk (Origin) in Progression rewards
Meet Rocket & Groot - 8/22 - 8/25
She-Hulk (Origin) shards in Progression rewards
Rewards tokens to the The Hulk vault
Hulk (Immortal) - Immortal Combat - 8/18 - 8/22
Rewards tokens to the The Hulk vault
She-Hulk (Origin) - Class Action - 8/21 - 8/24
She-Hulk (Origin) shards as Placement rewards
The Hulk Vault 8/22 - 8/26
80 Item Vault:
3x 4-Stars
1x She-Hulk (Origin) cover
1x Hellcat cover
1x Random 4-Star cover
7x Tokens
1x Legendary token
1x Mighty Token
2x Heroic Tokens
3x Beginner Support tokens
6x Iso-8
1x 5,000 Iso-8
2x 2,500 Iso-8
3x 1,000 Iso-8
15x 3-Stars
3x IronMan Model 35 cover
12x Random 3-Star covers
49x 2-Stars
10x Storm Classic cover
39x Random 2-Star covers