Kamala Khan (Origin)5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes
"Kamala Khan is just your average Pakistani-American Muslim 16-year-old growing up in Jersey City. She's a great student, an avid gamer, and a voracious fan fiction scribe. While she's got the best family and friends in the world, they might be a close second to her greatest love of all: Super Heroes, capital S, capital H. Kamala's got a very special affinity for Captain Marvel in particular. She often feels caught between many worlds, and she struggles to feel like she totally fits in at home or at school. That is, until she gets super-powers like the heroes she's always looked up to. Things must be easier with super-powers, right?"
- Level 2: Creates 10 Protect tiles. Fortifies 5 of those tiles.
- Level 3: Creates 11 Protect tiles.
- Level 4: Creates 12 strength 93 Protect tiles. Fortifies 6 of those tiles. (Max level 374 Protect tiles)
- Level 5: Creates 16 Protect tiles.

Kamala destroys a random 3x3 block of tiles and dealing 266 damage to the enemy team. If a Study tile exists on the board, she instead selects the block of tiles to destroy and deals 107 extra damage. Destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP.
(PASSIVE) Whenever Kamala or her allies destroy a friendly special tile, she deals 358 damage to a random enemy. (Max level 1068/427/1438 damage)
- Level 2: Deals 356 damage to the enemy team. Deals 143 extra damage. Deals 393 damage to a random enemy as collateral damage. (Max level 1431/573/1581 damage)
- Level 3: Deals 473 damage to the enemy team. Deals 190 extra damage. Deals 428 damage to a random enemy as collateral damage. (Max level 1901/758/1723 damage)
- Level 4: Deals 705 damage to the enemy team. Deals 283 extra damage. Deals 499 damage to a random enemy as collateral damage. (Max level 2830/1132/2008 damage)
- Level 5: Deals 1168 damage to the enemy team. Deals 469 extra damage. Deals 641 damage to a random enemy as collateral damage. (Max level 4689/1876/2577 damage)
(PASSIVE) Whenever an enemy uses an Ability, Kamala generates 3 AP in one of her colors.
- Level 2: Converts 2 selected friendly special tiles to Yellow or Green, fortifying them.
- Level 3: Generates 4 AP in one of her colors.
- Level 4: Converts 3 selected friendly special tiles to Yellow or Green, fortifying them.
- Level 5: Airborne for 1 turn.
Release Events
Cosmic Chaos
June 2, 2022, 4:00am – June 5, 2022, 11:00pm
Kamala Khan (Origin) in Placement Rewards
Venom Bomb
June 5, 2022, 4:00am – June 9, 2022, 11:00pm
Kamala Khan (Origin) in Progression rewards
Sunday’s Child - Karolina Dean
June 2, 2022, 5:00pm – June 6, 2022, 12:00am
Kamala Khan (Origin) shards as Placement rewards
A New Marvel - Kamala Khan (Origin)
June 5, 2022, 5:00am – June 8, 2022, 12:00pm
Rewards tokens to the Super Heroes ONLY vault
Courageous Kamala Khan Cover Store
June 2, 2022, 4:00am – June 5, 2022, 11:00pm
Chance to get Kamala Khan (Origin). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
Super Heroes ONLY Limited Vault
June 9, 2022, 9:00am – June 12, 2022, 9:00pm
Chance to get Kamala Khan (Origin). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
40 Items:
○ 1x Embigger, Embetter Legendary Store Token
○ 1x 4-Star Captain Marvel(Carol Danvers) cover
○ 3x Random 3-Star covers
○ 6x Heroic tokens
○ 4x 2500 Iso
○ 6x 1000 Iso
○ 5x 500 Iso
○ 14x Two stars
Embigger, Embetter Legendary Store
June 9, 2022, 9:00am – June 12, 2022, 9:00pm
15% chance to get Kamala Khan (Origin), Captain Marvel (Galactic Warrior), and Captain America (Infinity War)