Spider-Rex (Pter Ptarker)
Affiliations: Heroes, Non-humans, Non-humanoids. Spider-Verse, Enhanced
One day the weakling pteranadon Pter Ptarker was flying over a prehistoric jungle, only to swap bodies with a T-Rex after both were hit with a radioactive spider filled meteorite. Pter now has the body of a T-Rex and received the incredible powers of a spider. While testing his new web-swinging powers, a tree branch supporting him broke, crashing him down on some innocent dinos. Thus, Pter learned that even in pre-historic times, "With great power, there must also come great responsibility."
Abilities listed at level 40/166/266
Health: 3119/11900/39336

King of the Dinosaurs - 8 Red AP
T-Rex sized jaws with the proportional strength of a spider. CHOMP. Deals 407 damage, downing them if they are below 10% of their health.
166: 1269 damage / 266: 1562 damage
- Level 2: Deals 488 damage, downing at 15% health.
- 166: 1523 damage / 266: 1874 damage
- Level 3: Deals 570 damage, downing at 20% health.
- 166: 1777 damage / 266: 2187 damage
- Level 4: Deals 733 damage, downing at 25% health.
- 166: 2284 damage / 266: 2812 damage
- Level 5: Deals 1058 damage, downing at 30% health.
- 166: 3299 damage / 266: 4061 damage
Web Drop - 6 Green AP
Web 'em up, drop 'em down. Spider-Rex webs his foes into the air and slams them to the ground, but it's hard to control webs with tiny arms. Deals 301 damage to 2 random enemies, increased by 50% if they are Airborne. 33% of the time, the enemy drops down on a random ally, Stunning them both for 1 turn.
166: 939 damage / 266: 1156 damage
- Level 2: Deals 361 damage. Stun 30% of the time.
- 166: 1127 damage / 266: 1387 damage
- Level 3: Deals 421 damage. Stun 25% of the time.
- 166: 1315 damage / 266: 1618 damage
- Level 4: Deals 542 damage. Stun 20% of the time.
- 166: 1690 damage / 266: 2081 damage
- Level 5: Deals 783 damage. Stun 15% of the time.
- 166: 2441 damage / 266: 3006 damage
Jungle Wide Web - 8 Blue AP
Giant sized body means giant sized webs. The better to Stun you with. Stuns the target for 2 turns, and any enemies whose current health percentage is within 10% of the target's current health percentage deal 10% less damage for 1 turn(s).
- Level 2: Enemies within 12% of the target deal 12% less damage.
- Level 3: Enemies within 15% of the target deal 15% less damage.
- Level 4: Stuns for 3 turns. Enemies within 20% of the target deal 20% less damage for 2 turns.
- Level 5: Stuns for 4 turns. Enemies within 25% of the target deal 25% less damage.
Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus)
Affiliations: Villains, Non-humans, Non-humanoids. Spider-Verse, Symbiotes, Enhanced
"An innocent bystander, Brockiosaurus was in the wrong place at the wrong time when Spider-Rex and Kraventooth were in the midst of a life and death brawl. Accidentally knocked into a tar pit, Brockiosaurus emerged as Venomsaurus Rex, having merged with a symbiote living in the pit. Now enraged and hungry for brains, can Brockiosaurus be brought back to lucidity?"
Abilities listed at level 255/450/550
Health: 24807/99709/215502

Graaahns! - 8 Red AP
Is he trying to say brains? Does he want to eat our brains? Deals 3234 damage, downing them if they are below 10% of their health. Enemies Downed by this damage cannot be revived through their own abilities.
450: 12998 damage / 550: 28092 damage
- Level 2: Deals 3557 damage, downing at 15% health.
- 450: 14298 damage / 550: 30901 damage
- Level 3: Deals 3881 damage, downing at 20% health.
- 450: 15598 damage / 550: 33710 damage
- Level 4: Deals 4528 damage, downing at 25% health.
- 450: 18197 damage / 550: 39329 damage
- Level 5: Deals 5821 damage, downing at 30% health.
- 450: 23396 damage / 550: 50566 damage
Symbiote Slam - 7 Green AP
Venomsaurus Rex slams his foes around with his tendrils, tenderizing them for easier eating. Deals 2392 damage to 2 random enemies. 15% of the time, they get a two-fer, slamming the enemies into each other in the process, doubling the damage.
450: 9615 damage / 550: 20781 damage
- Level 2: Deals 2631 damage. Stun 20% of the time.
- 450: 10577 damage / 550: 22859 damage
- Level 3: Deals 2870 damage. Stun 25% of the time.
- 450: 11538 damage / 550: 24937 damage
- Level 4: Deals 3349 damage. Stun 30% of the time.
- 450: 13461 damage / 550: 29093 damage
- Level 5: Deals 4306 damage. Stun 33% of the time.
- 450: 17307 damage / 550: 37406 damage
Tarred, No Feathers - 7 Blue AP
Venomsaurus's tendrils aren't safe to be webbed by. Stuns the target for 2 turns, then the target and any enemies whose current health percentage is within 10% of the target's current health percentage deal 10% less damage and receive 10% more damage for 1 turn(s).
- Level 2: Enemies within 12% of the target deal 15% less damage and take 15% more damage for 2 turns.
- Level 3: Enemies within 15% of the target deal 20% less damage and take 20% more damage.
- Level 4: Stuns for 3 turns. Enemies within 20% of the target deal 25% less damage and take 25% more damage.
- Level 5: Enemies within 25% of the target deal 30% less damage and take 30% more damage for 3 turns.
Release Schedule
Hearts of Darkness - 6/29 - 7/3
Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) Shards and Event Token in Placement Rewards
Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) Event Token in Progression Rewards and Alliance Rewards
The Hunt - 7/2 - 7/6
Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) Legendary Token in Placement Rewards, Shards and Event Token in Progression Rewards, Legendary Token and Event Token in Alliance Rewards
Dino-Danger - Spider-Rex (Pter Ptarker) - 6/29 - 7/3
Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) Shards in Placement Rewards, Event Token in Progression Rewards, Event Token in Alliance Rewards
Jurassic Joust - Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) - 7/1 - 7/4
Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) Event Token in Progression Rewards, Event Token in Alliance Rewards
Symbiotic Safari Store 6/29 - 7/3
Chance to get Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) . Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
Dino-Delights Vault - 7/6 - 7/9
Chance to get Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) . Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
40 Items:
○ 1x Roar ‘n’ More Legendary Store Token
○ 1x 4-Star Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) cover
○ 3x Random 3-Star covers
○ 6x Heroic tokens
○ 4x 2500 Iso
○ 6x 1000 Iso
○ 5x 500 Iso
○ 14x Two stars
Roar ‘n’ More Legendary Store - 7/6 - 7/9
15% chance to get Venomsaurus Rex (Brockiosaurus) , Knull (King In Black), and Spider-Man (Back in Black)
Additional Tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points