Missing VIP
While to most players Vip Plan activates as soon as they purchase or renew it, on occasion, it can take a little longer.
Your Vip will be activated only after you receive a receipt via email from the store (Google or Apple).
If you don’t have a receipt, it means that the purchase or renewal didn’t go through (maybe there was an issue with your payment method) or your purchase is still pending. In these cases you can contact the store support to know what went wrong with your purchase.
If you have a receipt and you still don’t have access to Vip in-game, then please provide the following information to help us investigate the issue:
1) Have you tried clicking on the “Restore Purchases” button on the Settings screen? Could you please try again now? Did it work?
2) If step 1 does not restore your VIP, please send us:
2.1) Your account UID number (you can find this information at the bottom of the Settings screen).
2.2) A screenshot of your receipt for your most recent VIP purchase or renewal charge.
Keep in mind that for the purchase receipt we require a JPEG or PNG screenshot of the receipt sent by the vendor you made the purchase from (Apple Store or Google Play) and that purchase summaries/histories and third-party information (Bank/Credit Card Statements, PayPal receipts, etc.) cannot be accepted.
The receipt you are looking for is sent to your email by the store when the purchase is completed. The screenshot should include the date of purchase, order/confirmation ID number, and a description of the content purchased.
Apple Store receipt looks like:
Order Id: XX00XX0XXX (a mix of numbers and letters)
Date: 00/00/0000
Item: Name of the Vip Plan.
Google Play Store receipt looks like:
Order Id: GPA.0000-0000-0000-00000
Date: 00/00/0000
Item: Name of the Vip Plan.
If you no longer have access to the requested purchase receipts, then you will need to contact the app store associated with your account and have them reissue the receipt through email.
Plan type change - Apple
When you change Vip Plans in the middle of any plan, Apple cancels the previous plan and the new one is charged and should start as soon as you purchase it.
If after the change of plans you are still stuck on the previous one, please provide the following information to help us investigate the issue:
1) Have you tried clicking on the “Restore Purchases” button on the Settings screen? Could you please try again now? Did it work?
2) If step 1 does not restore your VIP, please send us:
2.1) Your account UID number (you can find this information at the bottom of the Settings screen).
2.2) A screenshot of the receipt for your VIP upgrade/downgrade.
Keep in mind that for the receipt we require a JPEG or PNG screenshot of the receipt sent by the vendor you made the purchase from (Apple Store or Google Play) and that purchase summaries/histories and third-party information (Bank/Credit Card Statements, PayPal receipts, etc.) cannot be accepted.
The receipt you are looking for is sent to your email by the store when the purchase is done. The screenshot should include the date of purchase, order/confirmation ID number, and subscription name.
Apple Store receipt looks like:
Order Id: XX00XX0XXX (a mix of numbers and letters)
Date: 00/00/0000
Item: Name of the Vip Plan.
2.3) A screenshot of the Subscription area on your Apple account to verify the active subscription plan and the renew date.
Plan type change - Google
When you change Vip Plans in the middle of any plan, Google Play will prorate time on the new plan based on the remaining value of your previous plan. So you won’t be charged at the time of the change, only after this prorate time finishes. You can check this info on the confirmation plan change email Google Play sent you.
If after the change of plans you are still stuck on the previous one, please provide the following information to help us investigate the issue:
1) Have you tried clicking on the “Restore Purchases” button on the Settings screen? Could you please try again now? Did it work?
2) If step 1 does not restore your Vip, please send us:
2.1) Your account UID number (you can find this information at the bottom of the Settings screen).
2.2) A screenshot of the receipt for your VIP upgrade/downgrade.
Keep in mind that for the purchase receipt we require a JPEG or PNG screenshot of the receipt sent by the vendor you made the purchase from (Apple Store or Google Play) and that purchase summaries/histories and third-party information (Bank/Credit Card Statements, PayPal receipts, etc.) cannot be accepted.
The receipt you are looking for is sent to your email by the store when the purchase is done. The screenshot should include the date of purchase, order/confirmation ID number, and subscription name.
Google Play Store receipt looks like:
Order Id: GPA.0000-0000-0000-00000
Date: 00/00/0000
Item: Name of the Vip Plan.
2.3) A screenshot of the Subscription area on your Google Play account to verify the active subscription plan and the renew date.
Missing Vip Reward
Sometimes the Vip Reward that is missing from your subscription actually is not missing at all. Maybe it hasn’t passed enough days to receive your reward.
Keep in mind that the Vip monthly plan lasts for the whole month. The amount of days varies according to how many days the month has (from 28 up to 31 days).
The first Vip Reward you receive is the Instant Reward at the moment you start or renew your plan.
The next rewards are VIP Weekly Rewards, scheduled according to your plan's start date and sent out every 7 days.
If you don’t know the start date of your plan, you can check the Vip receipt on your email (the date of the purchase is the same as the start date) or check the Subscriptions page on your Apple or Google Play Account (the renew date is the same as the end date).
Subscriptions page on Apple/Google Play Account shows:
- Master Subscription Plan active. Renews on May 26th.
April 26th: subscription starts. Master Instant Reward scheduled to this date.
May 3rd: Master Subscription Weekly One Reward scheduled to this date.
May 10th: Master Subscription Weekly Two Reward scheduled to this date.
May 17th: Master Subscription Weekly Three Reward scheduled to this date.
May 24th: Master Subscription Weekly Four Reward scheduled to this date.
May 26th: subscription ends.
If you started or renewed your subscription and didn’t receive your Instant Reward or the scheduled date for your Weekly Reward has passed and you didn’t receive it, please inform us your account UID number and we’ll check what is wrong with it.
To contact us click HERE