When Booster Crafting launched on December 19, 2017, all players’ duplicate cards were automatically converted into Mana Orbs and Mana Runes.

You saw something like this:

(*Please note that some values in the following images are placeholder values)

What is Mana Orb?

Mana Orb is the new currency used only for Booster Crafting. Whenever you open a booster or card pack, the game automatically converts all duplicate cards into Mana Orbs and Runes, so you can craft new cards and level up your Planeswalkers simultaneously.

When the receiving cards animation ends, you’ll see the Conversion Summary if you received at least one duplicate card. It will be at the end of the “New” cards list (scroll to the right until the end). It shows the number of duplicate cards of each rarity and the amount of mana runes and orbs you received.

You can find the amount of Mana Orbs and Runes each duplicate will give you in the table below.

* Since the Newest Set can’t be crafted, it gives you more Orbs.

The Crafting System

You can access it by opening the Side Menu (aka the “Hamburger” Menu) and clicking on Booster Crafting.

Crafted Boosters will contain a brand-new card for your collection.

Here are the options you will be able to select when crafting your booster:

  • Set: Cards from the newest set will become available for crafting only after the release of the next set.

    • Non-craftable Sets: Newest Set; Zendikar vs Eldrazi (ZVE); Daxos vs Kalemne (DvK); Puzzle Masters (PMA); Puzzle Masters 2 (PM2); Jump/Start (JMP).

  • Rarity: Everything from Common to Mythic. Masterpieces can be crafted only from VIP Tier 6 or higher while a PRO or MASTER Membership is active.

These two crafting options were selected to emphasize deck-building variety and exploration, which are cornerstones of the Magic franchise. We want players to experience what makes Magic “magic” in the Puzzle Quest way, which means focusing on what is great in both franchises.

Important note: cards with the Exclusive tag are non-craftable.

Crafting Costs

Selecting a Set and Rarity determines the cost of the Booster that you would like to craft.

* Masterpiece crafting is only available for Vip Players who have reached Tier 6 or above and have a PRO or MASTER plan active.

Origins Set 

Since Origins is the basic set of the game and also a classic one, it will remain in Standard and craftable as an individual set. In light of this and its popularity, we decided to make Origins the cheapest set (60% of Standard costs). 

Legacy Sets

Starting in the game version 6.8.0 (BLB release in August/2024) Legacy Craft was separated and now players can choose which set they want to craft. It is cheaper than Standard (80% of Standard costs). 

Before, it gathered all Sets that weren’t in the Standard Rotation, and From the Vault was another category.

Standard Sets

Once the Standard/Legacy rotation happens, all sets added to Legacy will get into the Legacy option, and it becomes cheaper to craft.

How to craft a card

Open the Booster Crafting area in-game.

Choose the Set and Rarity by scrolling up or down in the options (marked in red), or click the Set and Rarity option to open the complete list.

After you choose the option you want, close the list on the ‘X’ button on the screen’s top right corner and check if the information was set correctly.

You can now see the booster that will be created, how much it costs, and the possible cards it can give you.

If you click on Possible Cards, you’ll see a list with the booster’s pool. Following the screenshot, you will get one of the 18 cards on the list.

To create this new booster and, consequently, a new card, click on the craft price button (5000 Mana Orbs). A confirmation message will appear.

After confirming, the booster crafting animation will appear followed by the booster opening animation. Then you’ll receive a new card.

If you select an option that costs more than the orbs you have, the craft button is still clickable, but once you do, a message will appear saying you don’t have enough currency.

If you choose a Set + rarity, which you already have all cards, you’ll be warned there is no new card option for you, and the craft button will be faded out.



If you still need assistance, please reach out to Customer Support.


Updated on 05/12/2020 (4.2 release): the newest Set will become available for crafting only after the release of the next set; Masterpieces can be crafted only from VIP Tier 6+, while a PRO or MASTER Membership is active.; all Standard Sets, except for Origins, have the same price.

Updated on 05/25/2023: Added more details from release 4.7 (From the Vault: Odyssey Block entered Booster Craft), How to craft a card section, and images for clarity.

Updated on 08/12/2024: Added more details from release 6.8.0 (Legacy craft separated by set, craft costs change for Legacy), and images for clarity.

Updated on 03/12/2025: Corrected some typos.