So you're looking to expand your card collection? Great! Let's talk about all the different ways you can get yourself some brand new cards to add to your collection.
- Free Daily Rewards
- Regular, Super, and Premium Packs
- Event Rewards
- Special Offers
Free Daily Rewards
Each day you log in, you will be granted a free daily reward. Sometimes it's runes, sometimes crystals, but sometimes it's Booster Packs!
Players can receive up to 4 Booster Packs and 1 Super Pack. These include Origins and the 3 most recent card sets.
Regular, Super, and Premium Packs
Speaking of packs, there are three different types of packs that players can acquire and/or purchase in the game: Regular, Super, and Premium
- Booster Packs give 5 cards each. Super Packs consist of 3 Booster Packs. Premium Packs consist of 5 Booster Packs, and it also gives a Bonus Pack of a Single Rare Card!
Each card set contains those same offers, and card sets will rotate in and out of the Shop, in order to provide players with a balanced variety of options!
Event Rewards
Depending on the event you participate in, you might have the chance to win booster packs from progression rewards and/or placement rewards. This could be either a 3-Card Free Booster Pack or a 5-Card Regular Booster Pack from multiple different sets.
The higher up you go, the better the reward gets!
Special Offers
And finally, we sometimes make special offers available that contain different Booster Packs. These are typically cash purchases, but are big bundles that contain a variety of resources - everything from Mana Runes and Jewels to even Premium Packs and Exclusive Cards!