You've chosen a Planeswalker. You've built a deck. Now it's time to jump into your first fight! Here's everything you'll need to know about how the Objectives screen, the Deck Choice screen, and the Battle screen work.

Objectives Screen
This is where you can get a brief overview of the enemy you're facing, the objectives this battle contains, the rewards for completing them, and your Planeswalker's health. This information will come in handy when you go to choose what Planeswalker and deck you wish to use.
(Note: Depending on the type of event, the appearance of this screen might differ slightly)

- This is your opponent. You'll see some artwork depicting who your enemy is, their name, and the most important part: their level. The level of your opponent gives you a rough idea as to the health and the difficulty you'll have against them. The higher the level, the more of a challenge they are!

- These are the objectives. The first and main objective will always be "Win the fight against your opponent!" Pretty straightforward right? The two objectives below that are your secondary objectives. Those vary from fight to fight, and picking the right Planeswalker and deck is key to completing those objectives.
Each objective you complete will earn you Mana Runes, Mana Crystals, and sometimes even individual cards!

- Clicking on the Planeswalker portrait will allow you to select your Planeswalker and the Deck. We'll talk more about this below.

- These are health potions. If your Planeswalker is low, then clicking this will heal them back up to full!
Once you're ready to begin the fight, simply click on Play!

Deck Selection
This is the screen where you can choose the Planeswalker and the Deck you will be using for the battle:

- This is a scrolling gallery of all the Planeswalkers in the game. Those that you own will be displayed in bright colors, whereas those that you have yet to unlock will display a Lock symbol over their portrait. Choosing one will bring up all the available decks to use with them.
The numbers in the bottom-right corner show how many decks that Planeswalker has completed in Theme Deck (Starting, Beginner, Expert, Master).

- Event Decks are deck slots designated for the event. You can create a new deck here specifically to use for the event, which will disappear when the event ends. Alternatively, you can take a deck you previously created and copy it to this Event Deck slot.

- This is a Theme Deck. These are pre-constructed decks that initially are unusable until you collect all the cards they contain. Once all cards are collected, this becomes unlocked for use whenever!

- The left button copies the above deck into the Event Deck slot. The right button will select the above deck as the deck you wish to use for that fight.