You can now own multiple deck slots per Planeswalker. The multiple deck slots you can own should make playing in events a breeze - you can set a deck, then copy it for an event without having to rebuild it.
Multiple decks can be saved per Planeswalker to quicken your entry into events.
Possible deck slots:
- 1st row: Themed Decks, unique decks of 10 preset cards that can’t be used until the player collects all cards in the deck. You can check more details here.
- Beginner, Expert, and Master Deck.
- 2nd row: Purchasable deck slots that can be editable.
- Custom 1: you receive this slot when you purchase the planeswalker. It comes with the Planeswalker's Starting Deck and can be edited later.
- Custom 2: an extra slot that costs 150 Mana Crystals.
- Custom 3: an extra slot that costs 20,000 Runes but requires the Planeswalker to be level 60.
- You can buy them in any order you choose, so you have full freedom with how you access them.
- 3rd row: Vip deck slots that can be editable. They are subscribers exclusive. You can check more details here.
- Pro Deck Slot.
- Master Deck Slot.
- Master Deck Slot.

If you still need assistance, please reach out to Customer Support.
Updated on 08/02/2022: Added more details, possible deck slots section, and images for clarity.