A secure way to not lose your game progress is by using a login method to access your Magic save.

For Android devices, you have Facebook and Google options.

For iOS devices, you have Facebook and Apple ID options.

You can use one or both. Only one link is enough, but we advise using both since players can access their Magic account via the other sign-in method if one is out for any reason.

Linking to Facebook

Open the main menu screen of the game (hamburger menu - upper left) and then SETTINGS. Once there, please click on the Facebook icon and follow the prompts to create a save.

Android devices:

iOS devices:

Keep in mind that the game will attach the account progress to the Facebook profile that is already logged on the device (on the device’s default browser – Safari for iOS and Internet App for most Android devices).

When the link is completed, you`ll see the Facebook profile picture instead of the Facebook icon and the Logout button will appear.

Linking to Google

Open the main menu screen of the game (hamburger menu - upper left) and then SETTINGS. Once there, please click on the green Google Play icon and follow the prompts to create a save.

Keep in mind that if you have more than one Google Account logged on the device, the game will ask which one you would like to use to attach the account progress to.

When the link is completed, the Logout button will appear.

Linking to Apple ID

Open the main menu screen of the game (hamburger menu - upper left) and then SETTINGS. Once there, please click on the Apple ID icon and follow the prompts to create a save.

Keep in mind that the game will attach the account progress to the Apple ID account that is already logged and in use on the device.

When the link is completed, the Logout button will appear.

If after clicking any login button the game requests you to restore a previously linked save, it means that the account already has a Magic account save attached to it (meaning you can’t link the desired account progress).

If you proceed by confirming the restore, the game will be changed to a different account's save.

If you still need assistance, please reach out to Customer Support.

Updated on 08/23/2023: Formerly “How Do I Save Data to Facebook?”, added more details, and images for clarity.
Updated on 07/29/2023: Added more details, and corrected some typos.