Update: December 18th at 11:37 UTC.

Hello everyone,

We would like to inform you all that the new game version is live on the stores (version 7.0.2) and all bugs listed here (and some others) are fixed in-game. You can check more details in the Release Notes here.

Best Regards,
Magic: Puzzle Quest Team.


Hello everyone,

Our team noticed some problems after the 7.0.1 game release. The issues are only visual and under the specific situations listed below.

Some cards have their hint texts incorrectly interacting with certain UI elements.
If the card's hint is large enough to overlap other card elements, it will appear beneath these other elements.

The list of currently affected areas is as follows:

  • Opponent Board - Support Cards
  • Opponent Graveyard - Creature, Support, and Spell Cards
  • Opponent Exile  - Creature, Support, and Spell Cards



The team is already working on the fix, which will be available via the new game version (7.0.2) before the end of the year.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue is causing.

Best Regards,
Magic: Puzzle Quest Team.