Abomination (Emil Blonsky)
4-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Villains, Mercenaries, Thunderbolts, Gamma Mutates, Enhanced
"Emil Blonsky was changed into the Abomination by the same processes that gave Bruce Banner his powers as The Hulk. However, Blonksy's transformation left him fully in control of his new super-powered persona, the Abomination, so named by Thunderbolt Ross. Easily able to overpower Banner unless he got truly angry, Abomination saw his new power as a way to achieve goals he could only dream of before.
Often villainous, Blonsky doesn't much care for hero work, but in being part of the Thunderbolts program, he's able to stay off various world government's capture on sight lists. Win/win as far as he's concerned."
Abilities listed at level 70/270
Return on Collateral - 8 Green AP
Abomination creates collateral damage, creating new tactical opportunities amongst the rubble. For up to 1 random basic Green tile(s), destroy the surrounding tiles. Destroyed tiles deal 65% of Abomination's base match damage to the enemy team, but do not gain AP. For each Red, Strike, Attack, or Protect tile destroyed, Abomination gains a Return Point (Up to 8).
(PASSIVE) If Abomination is Downed, at the start of his next turn, he heals 2% health for each Return Point he has, using all Return Points.
- Level 2: Up to 2 Green tiles are randomly chosen.
- Level 3: Destroyed tiles deal 70% of match damage. Restores 3% health.
- Level 4: Up to 3 Green tiles are randomly chosen. Restores 4% health.
- Level 5: Up to 5 Green tiles are randomly chosen. Destroyed tiles deal 75% of match damage. Restores 6% health.
The Direct Approach - 6 Black AP
Abomination is not stealthy. He prefers bringing the fight straight to the enemy. Deals 143 damage to the target and creates a 2-turn Countdown tile that causes his match damage to also deal 80 damage to all other characters. (Max level 523/291 damage)
(PASSIVE) Abomination trusts in his strength and healing to keep going. Each time he takes more than 18% of his max health in damage at once, he gains 1 Return Point(s). Return on Collateral's Passive is also always unlocked.
- Level 2: Deal 174 damage. Deal 85 splash damage. Gain Return Points on taking more than 16% damage. (Max level 638/296 damage)
- Level 3: Deal 239 damage. Create 3-turn Countdown tile. Gain Return Points on taking more than 13% damage. (Max level 873/296 damage)
- Level 4: Deal 382 damage. Deal 90 splash damage. Gain Return Points on taking more than 10% damage. (Max level 1396/301 damage)
- Level 5: Deal 572 damage. Deal 100 splash damage. Create 4-turn Countdown tile. Gain Return Points on taking more than 8% damage. (Max level 2092/311 damage)
Gamma Toxins - Purple PASSIVE
(PASSIVE) Abomination exudes toxic gamma radiation, causing weakness in his enemies. Reduces enemy match damage by 10% and enemy ability damage by 6%, reducing **Gamma Mutates'** match damage by an additional 10%. Abomination takes advantage of this weakness, dealing 15% bonus match damage to **Gamma Mutates**.
- Level 2: Reduce enemy ability damage by 10%. Reduce Gamma Mutates' match damage by 15%. Increase damage to Gamma Mutates by 20%.
- Level 3: Reduce enemy match damage by 15%. Reduce enemy ability damage by 12%. Increase damage to Gamma Mutates by 25%.
- Level 4: Reduce enemy ability damage by 20%. Reduce Gamma Mutates' match damage by 20%. Increase damage to Gamma Mutates by 35%.
- Level 5: Reduce enemy match damage by 20%. Reduce enemy ability damage by 30%. Reduce Gamma Mutates' match damage by 30%. Increase damage to Gamma Mutates by 50%.
Feeder Updates

Release Events
Operation Spider Silk - 12/29 - 1/2
Abomination (Emil Blonsky) Covers and Shards in Progression rewards
Event Tokens in Placement rewards
Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. - 1/1 - 1/6
Abomination (Emil Blonsky) Shards + Recruit Token for Shield Offer in Progression rewards
Strange Sights - 1/5 - 1/8
Abomination (Emil Blonsky) Covers and Shards + Vault Token in Progression rewards
Lethal Intent (Gamora GotG) - 12/29 - 1/2
Abomination (Emil Blonsky) Cover and Shards as Placement rewards
Feeling Green (Abomination) - 1/1 - 1/4
Abomination (Emil Blonsky) Covers and Shards + Recruit Token for Shield Offer in Progression rewards
Abomination & Friends Vault - 1/1 - 1/6
80 Item Vault featuring Abomination (Emil Blonsky) and The Hulk (Totally Awesome)