Moon Knight (Avatar of Khonshu)5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes
"Steven Grant is a gift-shop employee suffering from memories of another life. A life of Marc Spector, a mercenary who became an Avatar of Khonshu, the Egyptian moon god.
Navigating his complex identities, Moon Knight must not only stop the enemies converging from outside, but also fight the chaos rising from within."
- Level 2: Deals 1555 damage. Reduces damage by 707 and deals 707 damage back. (Max level 6250/2842/2842 damage)
- Level 3: Deals 1994 damage. (Max level 8013/2842/2842 damage)
- Level 4: Deals 2525 damage. Reduces damage by 843 and deals 843 damage back.(Max level 10150/3390/3390 damage)
- Level 5: Deals 3416 damage, creates a 4-Turn Countdown tile that reduces damage by 1060 and deals 1060 damage back. (Max level 13729/4263/4263 damage)

The moon god Khonshu consumes hearts to survive. His needs must be satisfied, or else... Deal 5316 damage to the enemy with the least current health. If that enemy is Downed, restore 3101 health, then create 2 strength 133 Attack tiles. Otherwise create 1 strength 44 enemy Protect tile for each active enemy, then deal 1329 damage to Moon Knight. (Max level 21366 damage, 12464 healing, 534 friendly tiles, 178 enemy tiles, 5342 self damage)
- Level 2: Deals 5741 damage. Creates Attack tiles of strength 156. (Max level 23075 damage, 12464 healing, 625 friendly tiles, 178 enemy tiles, 5342 self damage)
- Level 3: Restores 4000 health, creates 3 Attack tiles of strength 177. (Max level 23075 damage, 16079 healing, 710 friendly tiles, 178 enemy tiles, 5342 self damage)
- Level 4: Deals 6326 damage. Restores 4869 health if enemy is Downed. Otherwise deals 890 damage to Moon Knight. (Max level 25426 damage, 19568 healing, 710 friendly tiles, 178 enemy tiles, 3579 self damage)
- Level 5: Deals 7761 damage. Restores 5768 health if enemy is Downed, then create 4 strength 222 Attack tiles. (Max level 31194 damage, 23183 healing, 892 friendly tiles, 178 enemy tiles, 3579 self damage)
(PASSIVE) Moon Knight cannot be Stunned. Whenever an enemy tries to stun Moon Knight deal 1107 damage and steal 2 AP from a random enemy pool. (Max level 3561/4451 damage, 445 improvement)
- Level 2: Trap tiles deal 1019 damage and improve tiles by 133. Whenever an enemy tries to stun Moon Knight, deal 1240 damage. (Max level 4095/4985 damage, 534 improvement)
- Level 3: Trap tiles improve tiles by 155. Whenever an enemy tries to stun Moon Knight, steal 3 AP from a random enemy pool.
- Level 4: Trap tiles deal 1108 damage and improve tiles by 178. Whenever an enemy tries to stun Moon Knight, deal 1461 damage. (Max level 4451/5875 damage, 712 improvement)
- Level 5: Trap tiles steal up to 3 enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles. Whenever an enemy tries to stun Moon Knight, deal 1860 damage. (Max level 4451/7478 damage, 712 improvement)
Store Offerings
Volatile Moon Knight Cover Store
Starts: April 7th 7am
Ends: April 11th 2am
Chance to get Moon Knight (Avatar of Khonshu). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
Avatar of Khonshu Limited Vault
Starts: April 14th 7am
Ends: April 19th 2am
40 Items
1x Three's a Crowd Legendary Store Token
1x 4-Star Melinda May (Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.) cover
3x Random 3-Star covers
6x Heroic tokens
4x 2500 Iso
6x 1000 Iso
5x 500 Iso
14x Two stars
Three's a Crowd Legendary Store
Starts: April 14th 7am
Ends: April 19th 2am
15% chance to get Moon Knight (Avatar of Khonshu), Green Goblin (Norman Osborn), Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme)
Additional Tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points
Release Debut:
Starts: April 7th 7am
Ends: April 11th 2am
Moon Knight (Avatar of Khonshu) in placement rewards
Featured Event:
Starts: April 10th 7am
Ends: April 15th 2am
Moon Knight (Avatar of Khonshu) in progression rewards
Versus Tournaments:
Starts: April 7th, 8pm
Ends: April 11th, 3am
Moon Knight (Avatar of Khonshu) shards as a placement reward
Starts: April 10th, 8am
Ends: April 13th, 3pm